사용 설명서 Soleus SR017 스포츠 시계

Soleus SR017 스포츠 시계 에 대한 매뉴얼이 필요하십니까? 아래에서 한국어로 된 PDF 매뉴얼을 무료로 보고 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 이 제품은 현재 1 개의 자주 묻는 질문(FAQ), 0 개의 댓글이 있고 0 개의 투표를 받았습니다. 원하시는 매뉴얼이 아닐 경우 당사로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

제품 결함에 대한 해결책이 사용 설명서에 없나요? Repair Café 가셔서 무료 수리 서비스를 받을 수 있습니다.

사용 설명서


•12-시간 및 24-시간 포맷을 선택하려면 D나 C를 누
•D를 누르면 값이 증가하고, D를 누르고 있으면 빨리
•C를 누르면 값이 감소하고, C를 누르고 있으면 빨리
•D나 C 버튼을 눌러 초를 0으로 재설정합니다. 동시
에, 시간 2의 시간도 0으로 재설정합니다.
•A를 눌러 확인한 후 설정을 빠져나가 정상 시간유지
모드로 되돌아갑니다
•설정 모드에서 30초 내에 아무 버튼도 누르지 않으
면 자동으로 설정을 빠져나간 후 시간 1 모드로 되돌
아 갑니다
4.시간 2 설정
•시간 2 모드에서 2초간 A를 누르고 있으면 “12-시
간/2-시간”이 번쩍거리기 시작하면서 시간 1 설정 스
크린이 나타납니다. 아래와 같이 차례대로 항목을 선택
하기 위해서는 B를 누르세요:
•12-시간 및 24-시간 포맷을 선택하려면 D나 C를 누
•D를 누르면 값이 감소하고, D를 누르고 있으면 빨리
•C를 누르면 값이 증가하고, C를 누르고 있으면 빨리
•D나 C를 눌러 초를 0으로 재설정합니다. 동시에, 시
간 1의 시간도 0으로 재설정합니다.
•A를 눌러 확인한 후 설정을 빠져나가 정상 시간유지
모드로 되돌아갑니다
•설정 모드에서 30초 내에 아무 버튼도 누르지 않으
면 자동으로 설정을 빠져나간 후 시간 2 모드로 되돌
아 갑니다
5.스톱와치 모드
•스톱와치의 디스플레이 범위는 0에서 23시간/59
•스톱와치는 최대 제한 시간(23시간, 59분, 59초)에
다다랐을 때 0부터 카운팅을 다시 시작할 것입니다
•LAP 시간 10개 그룹이 기록될 수 있습니다
스톱와치로 시간 측정하기
•스톱와치 모드로 들어갈 때, 카운팅을 시작/정지하기
위해서는 D를 누르세요 2초간 C를 누르고 있으면 초가
0으로 재설정됩니다
•스톱와치가 작동중일 때 C를 누르면 LAP 타이밍으로
들어가고, 화면은 8초간 이전 LAP 시간을 표시한 후 다
음 LAP 시간을 표시합니다. LAP 시간 10개 그룹이 모두
기록되었을 때, C 버튼을 계속 누르고 있으면 화면 아
이콘에 “FULL”이라고 나타납니다. 이전 LAP 시간은
LAP 시간의 마지막 그룹으로 대체됩니다
•LAP 시간이 작동중일 때, 카운팅을 멈추기 위해서는
D를 누르고, LAP 리콜 모드로 들어가기 위해서는 A를
누르세요. LAP 리콜 모드에서 LAP 시간의 각 그룹을 보
기 위해서는 D를 누르세요. C를 눌러 LAP 리콜 모드를
빠져나간 후 스톱와치 모드로 돌아가세요
•LAP 리콜 모드에서나 스톱와치가 멈춰 있을 때, C를
2초간 누르면 모든 이전 기록이 지워집니다
•스톱와치가 작동중일 때 B를 누르면 다른 모드로 들
어가고, 스톱와치 모드를 빠져나가도 스톱와치 측정 옵
션은 지속됩니다
•스톱와치가 멈췄을 때, 30초 내에 아무 버튼도 누르
지 않으면 스톱와치는 자동으로 시간 모드를 빠져나갑
6.카운트다운 모드
•타운트다운 시간의 디스플레이 범위는 0에서 23시간,
59분, 59초입니다
•카운트다운의 3가지 모드는 다음과 같이 선택 가능
카운트다운 시간 설정
•카운트다운 시간이 멈췄을 때, A를 2초간 누르면 카
운트다운 시간 설정 화면을 표시하는 “STP/ERP” 또는
“CD-UP” 아이콘이 번쩍이기 시작합니다. 그리고나서
B를 눌러 아래와 같이 차례대로 항목을 선택합니다:
•D나 C를 누르면 카운트다운 시간의 3가지 모드 -
STP, ERP, CD-UP - 중 한 모드를 선택할 수 있습니다
•D를 누르면 값이 증가하고, D를 누르고 있으면 더 빨
리 증가합니다
•C를 누르면 값이 감소하고, C를 누르고 있으면 더 빨
리 감소합니다
•A를 눌러 확인한 후 설정을 빠져나가 카운트다운 시
간 모드로 되돌아갑니다
•설정 모드에서 30초 내에 아무 버튼도 누르지 않으
면, 스톱와치는 자동으로 설정을 빠져나간 후 시간 모
드로 되돌아 갑니다
카운트다운 타이머로 시간 측정하기
•카운트다운 모드에서 카운팅을 시작/정지하기 위해서
는 D를 누릅니다. 카운트다운이 멈췄을 때 C를 누르면
초기값으로 되돌아갑니다
•“TMR” 아이콘이 화면에서 번쩍이면 카운트다운 시
간이 작동중입니다 “TMR” 아이콘이 번쩍임을 멈추면,
이는 카운트다운이 멈췄음을 의미합니다
•스톱와치가 작동중일 때 B를 누르면 다른 모드로 들
어가고, 스톱와치 모드를 빠져나가도 스톱와치 측정 옵
션은 지속됩니다
•한번의 카운트다운(STP 모드)으로: 카운트다운 시간
은 0에 도달한 후 초기값으로 되돌아갑니다. 동시에 알
람 톤은 30초간 “BB-BB” 사운드를 낸 후 자동으로 시
간 모드로 되돌아갑니다. 알람이 소리를 내기 시작한
후 아무 버튼이나 누르면 알람을 멈출 수 있습니다. 30
초 내 아무 버튼도 누르지 않으면, 스톱와치는 자동으
로 시간 모드로 되돌아 갑니다
•반복되는 스톱와치 (REP 모드): 카운트다운이 완료된
후 스톱와치는 자동으로 카운트다운을 반복합니다. 카
운트다운은 자동으로 100번까지 반복됩니다. 카운트다
운 값이 1초부터 59초까지 설정되면, 반복되는 카운트
다운이 0이 되었을 때 알람 톤은 “BB” 소리를 냅니
다. 카운트다운이 100번까지 반복되면, 알람 톤은 30
초간 “BB-BB” 소리를 낸 후 자동으로 시간유지 모드
로 되돌아갑니다. 카운트다운 값이 1분 이상으로 설정
되면, 카운트다운 시간이 0이 되었을 때 알람 톤은 10
초간 “BB-BB” 소리를 냅니다. 알람이 사운드를 내기
시작한 후 아무 버튼이나 누르면 알람을 멈출 수 있습
니다. 30초 내 아무 버튼도 누르지 않으면, 스톱와치는
자동으로 시간 모드로 되돌아 갑니다
•카운팅 업 (CD-UP 모드): 스톱와치는 카운트다운 시
간이 0이 되면 자동으로 카운트업합니다. 한편, 알람
톤은 30초간 “BB-BB” 소리를 낸 후 자동으로 타임 모
드로 되돌아갑니다. 이 소리를 내기 시작한 후 아무 버
“FULL” 图标。先前的单圈时间将被最后一组的单圈时
ERP” 或 “CD-UP” 图标开始闪烁。这表示进入了倒计
•当屏幕上的 “TMR” 图标闪烁时,表示正在倒计时。
当屏幕上的 “TMR” 图标停止闪烁时,表示已停止倒计
始值。同时,发出 “BB-BB” 的铃声30秒钟,然后自动
“BB” 的铃声。如果重复倒计时次数达到100次,会发
出 “BB-BB” 的铃声30秒钟,然后自动返回计时模式。
发出 “BB-BB”的铃声10秒钟。开始响铃时,按任意键均
自动正计时,同时会发出 “BB-BB”的铃声30秒钟,然后
•在闹铃1模式中,按住A键2秒钟,“Hour” 开始闪烁。
튼이나 누르면 알람을 멈출 수 있습니다. 30초 내 아무
버튼도 누르지 않으면, 스톱와치는 자동으로 시간 모드
로 되돌아 갑니다
7.알람 모드
•알람 모드에서 4개 그룹간 알람 시간을 보기 위해서는
D를 누르세요 각 그룹의 알람 모드에서 알람을 온/오프
하기 위해서는 C를 누르세요. 아래를 참조하세요:
알람 설정
•알람 1 모드에서 3초간 A를 누르면 알람 설정 화면을
나타내는 “Hour”가 번쩍이기 시작하는데, 그 후, B를
눌러 아래와 같이 차례대로 항목을 선택합니다:
•D를 누르면 값이 증가하고, D를 누르고 있으면 더 빨
리 증가합니다
•C를 누르면 값이 감소하고, C를 누르고 있으면 더 빨
리 감소합니다
•A를 눌러 확인한 후 설정을 빠져나가 알람 모드로 되
•설정 모드에서 30초 내에 아무 버튼도 누르지 않으면,
스톱와치는 자동으로 설정을 빠져나간 후 시간 모드로
되돌아 갑니다
•알람 모드에서 30초 내 아무 버튼도 누르지 않으면,
스톱와치는 자동으로 알람 모드를 빠져나간 후 시간 모
드로 되돌아 갑니다
•모든 알람 그룹의 설정 방법은 비슷합니다
•알람 설정된 시간이 되면, 알람 톤은 30초간 소리를
낸 후 자동으로 멈춥니다
주의: 알람 1부터 알람 4까지는 시간 1 또는 시간 2의
현재 시간이 될 때만 소리를 냅니다. 예를 들어, 선택한
현재 시간이 시간 2 모드에 있고 알람 톤이 소리를 내기
전에 시간 1 모드로 현재 시간을 변경하지 않으면, 알람
톤은 시간 2 모드의 해당 시간이 될 때만 소리를 냅니다
시간 1이 선택되면: 스톱와치가 설정된 시간 대에서 알
람이 울립니다
•13자리 LCD 화면은 시간, 분, 초, 년 (2000년부터
2099년까지), 월, 일, 요일을 디스플레이합니다
•12-시간/24-시간 포맷 선택 가능. 자동-달력
•이중 시간
•1/100 초 스톱워치 (스톱워치의 디스플레이 범위는
•알람의 4개 그룹 매시간 시간 안내
•카운트다운 타이머 (카운트다운 시간의 최대 디스
플레이 범위는 23시간, 59분, 59초입니다)
•버튼 톤과 매시간 시간 안내 (동기화된 온/오프)
•EL 역광 (역광을 밝히기 위해서는 “시작” 버튼
또는 다른 아무 버튼이나 누르시면 됩니다)
1.모든 모드에서 A를 누르면 3초간 EL 역광이 밝아
2.정상 시간 유지 모드에서 C를 짧게 누르면 매시간
시간 안내 및 버튼 톤이 동시에 온/오프되며, 매시
간 시간 안내 표시기는 켜질 때 화면에 “ “이 표
정상 시간 유지 모드에서 C를 2초간 눌러 EL 역광의
단일 버튼 또는 EL 역광의 어느 버튼으로도 작동하는
기능을 온/오프하세요. “AEL” 표시기는 역광 기능
을 가진 버튼이 온 될 때 화면에 표시되며, 이 때 아
무 버튼이나 눌러서 밝게 할 수 있습니다.
3.시간 1 설정
•시간 1 모드에서 2초간 A를 계속 누르면 “12-시
간/24-시간” 모드가 번쩍거리기 시작하면서 시간 1
설정 스크린이 나타납니다. 아래와 같이 차례대로 항
목을 선택하기 위해서는 B를 누르세요:
場合は画面上に時報シグナルインジケータ “ “ が表
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 6 / 7 Edition : A
which means countdown has been stooped running.
When stopwatch is running,, press B to enter other modes, the stopwatch measurement operation
continuous even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
With One-time Countdown (STP Mode): the countdown time returns to original value after it reaches
to zero. At the same time, alarm tone sounds with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then automatically return
to Time Mode. Press any button can stop the alarm tone after it starts to sound. The watch will
automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
With Repeated Stopwatch (REP Mode): the watch repeats countdown automatically after counting
down is completed. The maximum range of Auto-Repeated Countdown is 100 times. If the
countdown value is set from 1 to 59 seconds, alarm tone will sound with BB when repeated
countdown reaches to zero every time. And if Repeated Countdown reaches to 100 times, the alarm
tone will sound with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then automatically return to Timekeeping Mode. If the
countdown value is set more than 1 minutes, alarm tone will sound with BB-BB for 10 seconds when
countdown time reaches to zero every time. Press any button can stop the alarm tone after it starts to
sound. The watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in
30 seconds.
With Counting Up (CD-UP Mode): The watch will count up automatically after countdown time
reaches to zero, in the meanwhile, alarm tone will sound with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then
automatically back to Time Mode. You can press any button to stop the alarm tone after it starts to
sound. The watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in
30 seconds.
7. Alarm Mode
In Alarm Mode, press D to view the alarm time among 4 groups. In each group of alarm mode, press C to
turn on / off alarm. As shown following:
Alarm Setting
Alarm Off
Button C
Button D
Button D
Button D
Alarm On
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 7 / 7 Edition : A
In Alarm 1 Mode, hold down A for 2 seconds, Hour” starts to flash, which indicates alarm setting
screen, then press B button to select item in sequence as shown below:
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to Alarm Mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
In Alarm Mode, the watch will automatically exit from Alarm Mode, then return to Time Mode if
you do not perform any button operation in 30 minutes.
The setting method of 4 groups of alarm are similar.
At the state of alarm is turn on, if the alarm time is reached, the alarm tone will automatically stop
after it sounds for 30 seconds.
Remark: 4 groups of alarm will only sound according to the current time of Time 1 or Time 2 is reached. For
example, if the current time you chosen is Time 2 Mode, and you not change the current time to Time 1
before the alarm tone sounds, in this case, the alarm tone will only sound according to the time of Time
2 Mode.
Button B
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A . Features
13 digits LCD Screen displays the hour, minute, second, year (from year 2000 to year 2099), month,
date, day of the week.
12-hour / 24-hour format selectable. Auto-calendar.
Dual time.
1/100 second stopwatch (the display range of the stopwatch is 23 hours 59 minutes 59.99 seconds).
Four groups of alarm. Hourly time signal.
Countdown timer (the maximum display range of countdown time is 23 hours 59 minutes 59
Button tone and hourly time signal.( On / Off synchronized)
EL backlight. (can use “Start” button or any other buttons to illuminate the backlight).
B . Functions
1. In any mode, press A to illuminate EL backlight for 3 seconds.
Button C RESET
LMODE Button B
Time 1 Mode
Alarm Mode
Time 2 Mode
Button B Button B
Stopwatch Mode
Countdown Time Mode
Press & Hold D
for 2 seconds
Button B
Button B
Press & Hold D
for 2 seconds
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 1 / 7 Edition : A
A . Features
13 digits LCD Screen displays the hour, minute, second, year (from year 2000 to year 2099), month,
date, day of the week.
12-hour / 24-hour format selectable. Auto-calendar.
Dual time.
1/100 second stopwatch (the display range of the stopwatch is 23 hours 59 minutes 59.99 seconds).
Four groups of alarm. Hourly time signal.
Countdown timer (the maximum display range of countdown time is 23 hours 59 minutes 59
Button tone and hourly time signal.( On / Off synchronized)
EL backlight. (can use “Start” button or any other buttons to illuminate the backlight).
B . Functions
1. In any mode, press A to illuminate EL backlight for 3 seconds.
Button C RESET
LMODE Button B
Time 1 Mode
Alarm Mode
Time 2 Mode
Button B
Button B
Stopwatch Mode
Countdown Time Mode
Press & Hold D
for 2 seconds
Button B
Button B
Press & Hold D
for 2 seconds
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 2 / 7 Edition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
Month-Date / Date-Month
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button with
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 Model BJF063 Page: 2 / 7 Edition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to tur n on / off the hourly time sign al and button tone
synchronously, ho urly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal tim ekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off th e function tha t is the single button with
EL back light or any button with EL backligh t. “AEL” indicator will display on th e screen when any button wi th
backlight is turne d on, in this case, pr essing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hou r / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, p ress B to select th e items in sequen ce as shown below :
Button B
Month-Date / Dat e-Month
Hourly Time Sig nal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button wit h
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Sig nal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 M odelBJF063 P age: 2 / 7 E dition : A
2. In norm al timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
12H/24H Hour Minute Second
Month-Date / Date-Month
Month Date
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button w ith
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 M odelBJF063 P age: 2 / 7 Ed ition : A
2. In norm al timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
12H/24H Hour Minute Second
Month-Date / Date-Month
Month Date
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button w ith
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 3 / 7 Edition : A
Press D or C to select format between 12-hour and 24-hour format.
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Seconds reset to zero by pressing D or C button. At the same time, the time of Time 2 also resets
Press A button to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to normal timekeeping mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time 1 Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
4. Time 2 Setting
In Time 2 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Press D or C to select format between 12-hour and 24-hour.
Press D to decrease the value, hold down D for some time to decrease fast.
Press C button to increase the value, hold down C for some time to increase fast.
Seconds reset to zero by pressing D or C. At the same time, the time of Time 1 also resets zero.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to normal timekeeping mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time 2 Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
5. Stopwatch Mode
The display range of the stopwatch is from zero to 23 hours 59 minutes 59.99 seconds.
The stopwatch will restart counting from zero when it reaches its maximum limited (23 hours 59
minutes 59 seconds.)
Ten groups of LAP time can be recorded.
To measure times with the stopwatch
Month-Date / Date-Month
Month Date
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 3 / 7 Edition : A
Press D or C to select format between 12-hour and 24-hour format.
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Seconds reset to zero by pressing D or C button. At the same time, the time of Time 2 also resets
Press A button to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to normal timekeeping mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time 1 Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
4. Time 2 Setting
In Time 2 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Press D or C to select format between 12-hour and 24-hour.
Press D to decrease the value, hold down D for some time to decrease fast.
Press C button to increase the value, hold down C for some time to increase fast.
Seconds reset to zero by pressing D or C. At the same time, the time of Time 1 also resets zero.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to normal timekeeping mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time 2 Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
5. Stopwatch Mode
The display range of the stopwatch is from zero to 23 hours 59 minutes 59.99 seconds.
The stopwatch will restart counting from zero when it reaches its maximum limited (23 hours 59
minutes 59 seconds.)
Ten groups of LAP time can be recorded.
To measure times with the stopwatch
Month-Date / Date-Month
Month Date
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 4 / 7 Edition : A
When entering the stopwatch mode, press D to start / stop counting. Seconds reset to zero by holding
down C for 2 seconds.
Press C to enter LAP timing during stopwatch is running, the screen will display next Lap time after
it displays the previous LAP time for 8 seconds. When 10 groups of LAP time are recorded fully, the
screen will appear icon of “FULL” if you continue to press C button. The previous LAP time will be
covered by the last group of LAP time.
When LAP time is running, press D to stop counting, and press A to enter LAP Recall Mode. In LAP
Recall Mode, press D can view each group of LAP times. Press C to exit LAP Recall Mode, then return to
Stopwatch Mode.
In LAP Recall Mode or at the state of stopwatch is stopped, hold down C for 2 seconds to clear all
previous records.
When stopwatch is running,, press B to enter other modes, the stopwatch measurement operation
continuous even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
When stopwatch is stooped, the watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform
any button operation in 30 seconds.
6. Countdown Mode
Reset to zero
Start Stop
Reset reminder
Reset to zero
LAP timing
Full of LAP records
Reset reminder
LAP Recall Mode
To view LAP records
Next LAP record
Button D
Button D
Button C
Button C
Button A
Button D
Button D
Press & Hold C
for 2 seconds
Press & Hold C
for 2 seconds
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 4 / 7 Edition : A
When entering the stopwatch mode, press D to start / stop counting. Seconds reset to zero by holding
down C for 2 seconds.
Press C to enter LAP timing during stopwatch is running, the screen will display next Lap time after
it displays the previous LAP time for 8 seconds. When 10 groups of LAP time are recorded fully, the
screen will appear icon of “FULL” if you continue to press C button. The previous LAP time will be
covered by the last group of LAP time.
When LAP time is running, press D to stop counting, and press A to enter LAP Recall Mode. In LAP
Recall Mode, press D can view each group of LAP times. Press C to exit LAP Recall Mode, then return to
Stopwatch Mode.
In LAP Recall Mode or at the state of stopwatch is stopped, hold down C for 2 seconds to clear all
previous records.
When stopwatch is running,, press B to enter other modes, the stopwatch measurement operation
continuous even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
When stopwatch is stooped, the watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform
any button operation in 30 seconds.
6. Countdown Mode
Reset to zero
Start Stop
Reset reminder
Reset to zero
LAP timing
Full of LAP records
Reset reminder
LAP Recall Mode
To view LAP records Next LAP record
Button D
Button D
Button C
Button C
Button A
Button D
Button D
Press & Hold C
for 2 seconds
Press & Hold C
for 2 seconds
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D Button D Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 6 / 7 Edition : A
which means countdown has been stooped running.
When stopwatch is running,, press B to enter other modes, the stopwatch measurement operation
continuous even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
With One-time Countdown (STP Mode): the countdown time returns to original value after it reaches
to zero. At the same time, alarm tone sounds with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then automatically return
to Time Mode. Press any button can stop the alarm tone after it starts to sound. The watch will
automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
With Repeated Stopwatch (REP Mode): the watch repeats countdown automatically after counting
down is completed. The maximum range of Auto-Repeated Countdown is 100 times. If the
countdown value is set from 1 to 59 seconds, alarm tone will sound with BB when repeated
countdown reaches to zero every time. And if Repeated Countdown reaches to 100 times, the alarm
tone will sound with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then automatically return to Timekeeping Mode. If the
countdown value is set more than 1 minutes, alarm tone will sound with BB-BB for 10 seconds when
countdown time reaches to zero every time. Press any button can stop the alarm tone after it starts to
sound. The watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in
30 seconds.
With Counting Up (CD-UP Mode): The watch will count up automatically after countdown time
reaches to zero, in the meanwhile, alarm tone will sound with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then
automatically back to Time Mode. You can press any button to stop the alarm tone after it starts to
sound. The watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in
30 seconds.
7. Alarm Mode
In Alarm Mode, press D to view the alarm time among 4 groups. In each group of alarm mode, press C to
turn on / off alarm. As shown following:
Alarm Setting
Alarm Off
Button C
Button D
Button D
Button D
Alarm On
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 6 / 7 Edition : A
which means countdown has been stooped running.
When stopwatch is running,, press B to enter other modes, the stopwatch measurement operation
continuous even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
With One-time Countdown (STP Mode): the countdown time returns to original value after it reaches
to zero. At the same time, alarm tone sounds with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then automatically return
to Time Mode. Press any button can stop the alarm tone after it starts to sound. The watch will
automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
With Repeated Stopwatch (REP Mode): the watch repeats countdown automatically after counting
down is completed. The maximum range of Auto-Repeated Countdown is 100 times. If the
countdown value is set from 1 to 59 seconds, alarm tone will sound with BB when repeated
countdown reaches to zero every time. And if Repeated Countdown reaches to 100 times, the alarm
tone will sound with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then automatically return to Timekeeping Mode. If the
countdown value is set more than 1 minutes, alarm tone will sound with BB-BB for 10 seconds when
countdown time reaches to zero every time. Press any button can stop the alarm tone after it starts to
sound. The watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in
30 seconds.
With Counting Up (CD-UP Mode): The watch will count up automatically after countdown time
reaches to zero, in the meanwhile, alarm tone will sound with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then
automatically back to Time Mode. You can press any button to stop the alarm tone after it starts to
sound. The watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in
30 seconds.
7. Alarm Mode
In Alarm Mode, press D to view the alarm time among 4 groups. In each group of alarm mode, press C to
turn on / off alarm. As shown following:
Alarm Setting
Alarm Off
Button C
Button D
Button D
Button D
Alarm On
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 2 / 7 Edition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
Month-Date / Date-Month
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button with
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 2 / 7 Edition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
Month-Date / Date-Month
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button with
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMRflashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Hours Minutes
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMRflashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Hours Minutes
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 7 / 7 Edition : A
In Alarm 1 Mode, hold down A for 2 seconds, “Hour” starts to flash, which indicates alarm setting
screen, then press B button to select item in sequence as shown below:
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to Alarm Mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
In Alarm Mode, the watch will automatically exit from Alarm Mode, then return to Time Mode if
you do not perform any button operation in 30 minutes.
The setting method of 4 groups of alarm are similar.
At the state of alarm is turn on, if the alarm time is reached, the alarm tone will automatically stop
after it sounds for 30 seconds.
Remark: 4 groups of alarm will only sound according to the current time of Time 1 or Time 2 is reached. For
example, if the current time you chosen is Time 2 Mode, and you not change the current time to Time 1
before the alarm tone sounds, in this case, the alarm tone will only sound according to the time of Time
2 Mode.
Hour Minute
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 7 / 7 Edition : A
In Alarm 1 Mode, hold down A for 2 seconds, Hour” starts to flash, which indicates alarm setting
screen, then press B button to select item in sequence as shown below:
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to Alarm Mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
In Alarm Mode, the watch will automatically exit from Alarm Mode, then return to Time Mode if
you do not perform any button operation in 30 minutes.
The setting method of 4 groups of alarm are similar.
At the state of alarm is turn on, if the alarm time is reached, the alarm tone will automatically stop
after it sounds for 30 seconds.
Remark: 4 groups of alarm will only sound according to the current time of Time 1 or Time 2 is reached. For
example, if the current time you chosen is Time 2 Mode, and you not change the current time to Time 1
before the alarm tone sounds, in this case, the alarm tone will only sound according to the time of Time
2 Mode.
Hour Minute
Button B
EL光(使动” 键或亮背
号及按键音,整点时间信号开启时,其指示器 “” 会显
•按D或C键将秒数归零。同时,“时间2” 的时间也被归
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 1 / 7 Edition : A
A . Features
13 digits LCD Screen displays the hour, minute, second, year (from year 2000 to year 2099), month,
date, day of the week.
12-hour / 24-hour format selectable. Auto-calendar.
Dual time.
1/100 second stopwatch (the display range of the stopwatch is 23 hours 59 minutes 59.99 seconds).
Four groups of alarm. Hourly time signal.
Countdown timer (the maximum display range of countdown time is 23 hours 59 minutes 59
Button tone and hourly time signal.( On / Off synchronized)
EL backlight. (can use “Start” button or any other buttons to illuminate the backlight).
B . Functions
1. In any mode, press A to illuminate EL backlight for 3 seconds.
Button C RESET
LMODE Button B
Time 1 Mode
Alarm Mode
Time 2 Mode
Button B Button B
Stopwatch Mode
Countdown Time Mode
Press & Hold D
for 2 seconds
Button B
Button B
Press & Hold D
for 2 seconds
2012 -3-17 Model BJF063 Page: 2 / 7 Edition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to tur n on / off the hourly time sign al and button tone
synchronously, ho urly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal tim ekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off th e function tha t is the single button with
EL back light or any button with EL backligh t. “AEL” indicator will display on th e screen when any button wi th
backlight is turne d on, in this case, pr essing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hou r / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, p ress B to select th e items in sequen ce as shown below :
Button B
Month-Date / Dat e-Month
Hourly Time Sig nal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button wit h
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Sig nal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 M odelBJF063 P age: 2 / 7 Ed ition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
Month-Date / Date-Month
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button with
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 3 / 7 Edition : A
Press D or C to select format between 12-hour and 24-hour format.
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Seconds reset to zero by pressing D or C button. At the same time, the time of Time 2 also resets
Press A button to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to normal timekeeping mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time 1 Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
4. Time 2 Setting
In Time 2 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Press D or C to select format between 12-hour and 24-hour.
Press D to decrease the value, hold down D for some time to decrease fast.
Press C button to increase the value, hold down C for some time to increase fast.
Seconds reset to zero by pressing D or C. At the same time, the time of Time 1 also resets zero.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to normal timekeeping mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time 2 Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
5. Stopwatch Mode
The display range of the stopwatch is from zero to 23 hours 59 minutes 59.99 seconds.
The stopwatch will restart counting from zero when it reaches its maximum limited (23 hours 59
minutes 59 seconds.)
Ten groups of LAP time can be recorded.
To measure times with the stopwatch
Month-Date / Date-Month
Month Date
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 4 / 7 Edition : A
When entering the stopwatch mode, press D to start / stop counting. Seconds reset to zero by holding
down C for 2 seconds.
Press C to enter LAP timing during stopwatch is running, the screen will display next Lap time after
it displays the previous LAP time for 8 seconds. When 10 groups of LAP time are recorded fully, the
screen will appear icon of “FULL” if you continue to press C button. The previous LAP time will be
covered by the last group of LAP time.
When LAP time is running, press D to stop counting, and press A to enter LAP Recall Mode. In LAP
Recall Mode, press D can view each group of LAP times. Press C to exit LAP Recall Mode, then return to
Stopwatch Mode.
In LAP Recall Mode or at the state of stopwatch is stopped, hold down C for 2 seconds to clear all
previous records.
When stopwatch is running,, press B to enter other modes, the stopwatch measurement operation
continuous even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
When stopwatch is stooped, the watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform
any button operation in 30 seconds.
6. Countdown Mode
Reset to zero
Reset reminder
Reset to zero
LAP timing
Full of LAP records
Reset reminder
LAP Recall Mode
To view LAP records Next LAP record
Button D
Button D
Button C
Button C
Button A
Button D
Button D
Press & Hold C
for 2 seconds
Press & Hold C
for 2 seconds
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 2 / 7 Edition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
Month-Date / Date-Month
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button with
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Hours Minutes
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Start Stop Original value
Button D Button D Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
Manual do Swift
• A tela LCD de 13 dígitos exibe hora, minuto, segundo, ano (de 2000 até 2099), mês, data
e dia da semana.
• Seleção do formato de 12 horas/24 horas. Calendário automático.
• Dois fusos horários.
• Cronômetro de centésimo de segundo (o intervalo de exibição do cronômetro é de 23
horas, 59 minutos e 59,99 segundos).
• Quatro grupos de alarme. Sinal de hora cheia.
• Contador regressivo (o intervalo máximo exibido da contagem regressiva é de 23 horas, 59
minutos e 59 segundos).
• Sinal sonoro do botão e sinal de hora cheia (liga / desliga sincronizado).
• A iluminação de fundo EL (pode utilizar o botão “start ou quaisquer outros botões para
acender a iluminação de fundo).
1. Em qualquer modo, pressione A para acender a iluminação de fundo EL por 3 segundos.
2. No modo normal de exibição das horas, pressione C por um curto período para ligar /
desligar, de maneira síncrona, o sinal de hora cheia e o sinal sonoro do botão. O indicador
de sinal de hora cheia “ “ aparecerá na tela quando este estiver ligado.
No modo normal de exibição das horas, pressione o botão C por 2 segundos para ligar
/ desligar a função do botão único com iluminação de fundo ou qualquer botão com
iluminação de fundo. O indicador “AEL” será exibido na tela quando qualquer botão
com iluminação de fundo for ligado. Neste caso, qualquer botão pressionado acende a
iluminação de fundo.
3. Ajusto do fuso horário 1
• No modo Time 1 (Fuso horário 1), a inscrição “12-hour/24-hour” cará intermitente quando
o botão A é pressionado por 2 segundos, o que indica a tela de ajuste do Fuso horário 1.
Pressione o botão B para selecionar os itens na sequência, conforme mostrado abaixo:
• Pressione o botão D ou C para selecionar o formato do horário para 12 horas ou 24 horas.
• Pressione o botão D para aumentar o valor, mantenha o botão D pressionado para
aumento rápido.
Pressione o botão C para reduzir o valor, mantenha o boo C pressionado para redução rápida.
• Redenição dos segundos para zero por meio do botão D ou C. Ao mesmo tempo, o
horário do Fuso horário 2 também é redenido para zero.
• Pressione o botão A para conrmar e sair do modo de ajuste, então retornando ao modo
normal de exibição das horas.
• No modo de ajuste, o relógio automaticamente sairá deste modo e retornará ao modo do
Fuso horário 1, caso nenhuma operação seja realizada dentro de 30 segundos.
4. Ajusto do fuso horário 2
• No modo Time 2 (Fuso horário 1), a inscrição “12-hour/2-hour” cará intermitente quando
o botão A é pressionado por 2 segundos, o que indica a tela de ajuste do Fuso horário 1.
Pressione o botão B para selecionar os itens na sequência, conforme mostrado abaixo:
• Pressione o botão D ou C para selecionar o formato do horário para 12 horas ou 24 horas.
Pressione o botão D para reduzir o valor, mantenha o boo D pressionado para redução rápida.
• Pressione o botão C para aumentar o valor, mantenha o botão C pressionado para
aumento rápido.
• Para redenir os segundos para zero, pressione o botão D ou C. Ao mesmo tempo, a hora
do Fuso horário 1 também é redenida para zero.
• Pressione o botão A para conrmar e sair do modo de ajuste, então retornando ao modo
normal de exibição das horas.
• No modo de ajuste, o relógio automaticamente sairá deste modo e retornará ao modo do
Fuso horário 2, caso nenhuma operação seja realizada dentro de 30 segundos.
5. Modo cronômetro
• O intervalo de exibição do cronômetro vai de zero até 23 horas, 59 minutos e 59.99
• O cronômetro reiniciará a contagem a partir de zero ao alcançar seu limite máximo de
tempo (23 horas, 59 minutos e 59 segundos).
• Dez grupos dos tempos decorridos podem ser registrados.
Para marcação de tempo com o cronômetro
• Ao entrar no modo cronômetro, pressione D para iniciar / parar a contagem. Os segundos
são redenidos para zero pressionando-se e mantendo pressionado o botão C por 2
• Pressione o botão C para entrar no modo de contagem de tempo decorrido quando o
cronômetro estiver em execução. A tela exibirá o próximo tempo decorrido após o tempo
decorrido anterior por 8 segundos. Quando 10 grupos de tempos decorridos tiverem sido
registrados, o ícone da tela exibirá a inscrição “FULL (Cheio), caso o botão C continue a ser
pressionado. O tempo decorrido anterior será, então, substituído pelo último grupo de
tempos decorridos.
• Quando o tempo decorrido estiver em execução, pressione D para interromper a conta-
gem e pressione A para entrar no modo LAP Recall (Registrar tempo decorrido). No modo
LAP Recall, pressione o botão D para visualizar cada grupo de tempos decorridos. Pressione
o botão C para sair do modo LAP Recall e então retorne ao modo Stopwatch (Cronômetro).
• No modo LAP Recall ou quando o cronômetro é parado, mantenha pressionado o botão C
por 2 segundos para limpar todos os registros anteriores.
• Quando o cronômetro estiver em execução, pressione B para entrar em outros modos.
A opção de contagem de tempo do cronômetro é continua, mesmo ao sair do modo
• Quando o cronômetro for parado, o relógio automaticamente retornará para o modo de
horas, caso não seja realizada qualquer operação dentro de 30 segundos.
6. Modo de contagem regressiva
• O intervalo de exibição da contagem regressiva vai de zero até 23 horas, 59 minutos e 59
Três métodos de contagem regressiva podem ser selecionados, conforme mostrado abaixo:
Ajuste do horário da contagem regressiva
• Quando a contagem regressiva for interrompida, o ícone “STP/ERP” ou “CD-UP” piscará
intermitentemente quando o botão A é pressionado por 2 segundos, o que indica a tela
de ajuste da contagem regressiva. Depois, pressione o botão B para selecionar os itens na
sequência, conforme mostrado abaixo.
• Ao pressionar o botão D ou C, é possível selecionar qualquer método entre os três méto-
dos de contagem regressiva: STP, ERP, CD-UP
• Pressione o botão D para aumentar o valor, mantenha o botão D pressionado para
aumento rápido.
• Pressione o botão C para reduzir o valor, mantenha o botão C pressionado para redão pida.
• Pressione o botão A para conrmar e sair do modo de ajuste, então retornando ao modo
normal de contagem regressiva.
• No modo de ajuste, o relógio automaticamente sairá deste modo e retornará ao modo de
exibição das horas caso nenhuma operação seja realizada dentro de 30 segundos.
Contagem de tempo com a contagem regressiva
• No modo de contagem regressiva, pressione o botão D para iniciar / parar a contagem.
Quanto tiver parado, pressione o botão C para retornar ao valor original.
Battery Details
The battery in your Soleus watch is estimated to last 2 years, depending on frequency and use of
certain features.
Battery replacement must be performed by an
Authorized Soleus service center to retain a valid warranty.
In addition to battery replacement, the service center will test movement,
Gaskets, water resilience and hardware, to further ensure the long-term care
of your watch.
Keep watch batteries away from children. If swallowed, contact a doctor immediately.
WARNING! Batteries contain chemical substances. They should be
Disposed of properly according to local regulations.
ATTENTION: Water damage may occur
If the buttons are pressed underwater
-5° to 50° Celsius
Français (French)
Détails sur la pile
la pile de votre montre Soleus devrait durer 2 ans, suivant le degré d’utilisation de certaines
le remplacement de la pile doit être eectué dans un centre agréé Soleus
pour préserver la garantie.
En sus du remplacement de la pile, le technicien agréé va tester le mouvement
les joints, la résistance à l’eau et les accessoires, an d’assurer que votre montre
vous serve le plus longtemps possible.
Garder les piles hors de portée des enfants. En cas d’ingestion, contacter immédiatement les
services médicaux.
AVERTISSEMENT ! Les piles contiennent des substances chimiques. Veillez à
recycler ou jeter les piles en respectant les réglementations locales.
RÉSISTANCE À L’EAU : 50 mètres
ATTENTION : peut être endommagée par l’eau si vous appuyez
sur les boutons alors que la montre est submergée.
-5° à 50° Celsius
Español (Spanish)
Detalles de la batería
La batería del reloj Soleus tiene una vida útil de 2 años aproximadamente, según el uso que haga
de sus funciones.
La sustitución de la batería deberá efectuarse en un centro de servicio técnico autorizado de
Soleus; de lo contrario, la garantía perderá su validez.
El centro de servicio técnico, además, controlará el mecanismo, las juntas, la resistencia al agua y
demás componentes del reloj para garantizar un buen funcionamiento a largo plazo.
Mantenga las baterías del reloj fuera del alcance de los niños. En caso de ingestión, comuníquese
con un médico de forma urgente.
Las baterías contienen sustancias químicas. Respete las normas y regulaciones locales al momento
de desecharlas.
Si presiona los botones del reloj debajo del agua, puede dañar el mecanismo.
-5° a 50° centígrados
Português (Portuguese)
Duração da bateria:
A bateria do seu relógio Soleus Estima-se últimos 2 anos, dependendo da freqüência e uso de
determinados recursos.
Substituição da bateria:
A substituição da bateria deve ser realizada por um
Autorizado Soleus centro de serviços para manter a garantia válida.
Além da substituição da bateria, o centro de atendimento testar movimento,
Juntas, resiliência água e hardware, para garantir ainda mais a cuidados de longa duração
do seu relógio.
Mantenha o relógio longe do alcance de crianças. Em caso de ingestão, procure um médico
ATENÇÃO! As pilhas contêm substâncias químicas. Eles devem ser
Eliminadas de acordo com as regulamentações locais.
Resistência à água: 50 metros
ATENÇÃO: Os danos da água pode ocorrer
Se os botões são pressionados subaquática
Temperatura de operação:
-5 ° a 50 ° Celsius
Italiano (Italian)
Dettagli sulla batteria
La batteria dell’orologio Soleus ha una durata stimata in 2 anni, a seconda della frequenza e
dell’uso di determinate funzionalità.
La sostituzione della batteria deve essere eseguita
presso un centro assistenza Soleus autorizzato anché la garanzia resti valida.
Oltre a sostituire la batteria, il centro assistenza collauderà movimento,
guarnizioni, impermeabilità e accessori, in modo da garantire che l’orologio
duri il più a lungo possibile.
Tenere le batterie fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Se ingerite, contattare immediatamente un
AVVISO! Le batterie contengono sostanze chimiche. Devono essere
smaltite in modo adeguato, in conformità alle normative locali.
ATTENZIONE: Possono vericarsi danni
dovuti all’acqua se i pulsanti vengono premuti sott’acqua
da -5° a 50° Celsius
Deutsch (German)
Die Batterie in Ihrer Soleus-Uhr hält im Schnitt 2 Jahre,
je nach Häugkeit und Verwendung bestimmter Funktionen.
Batterien müssen von einem autorisierten Soleus-Service Center
ausgetauscht werden, damit sie ihre gültige Garantie behalten.
Zusätzlich zum Austausch der Batterie testet das Service Center Bewegung,
Dichtungsringe, Wasserbeständigkeit und Ausstattung, um die Langlebigkeit
Ihrer Uhr zu gewährleisten.
Halten Sie Uhrenbatterien von Kindern fern.
Bei Verschlucken sofort einen Arzt aufsuchen.
Batterien enthalten chemische Substanzen. Sie sollten ordnungsgemäß
und nach örtlichen Vorschriften entsorgt werden.
ACHTUNG: Eine Beschädigung durch Wasser kann entstehen,
wenn Knöpfe unter Wasser gedrückt werden.
-5 °C bis 50 °C
日本語 (Japanese)
Soleus 腕時計で使用される電池の推定寿命は 2 年間です。ただし、一部機能の使用
電池の交換は必ず認定 Soleus サービス センターにご依頼ください。
サービス センター以外で電池の交換をされますと、保証が無効となります。
大切な腕時計を何年も末永くお使いいただくため、サービス センターでは、電池の交
換以外に、ムーブメント、ガスケット、ウォーター レジリエンス、ハードウェアの点
耐水性: 50 メートル
ご注意: 水中でボタンを押すと
-5 50°C
中国的 (Chinese)
Soleus 手表的电池约可持续使用 2 年,但取决于某些功能的使用频率和使用情况而定。
必须由经过授权的 Soleus 维修中心更换电池,才能维持有效的质保。
防水深度:50 米
-5 ℃ 至50 ℃
한국 (Korean)
배터리 상세내역
배터리 수명 :
Soleus 시계의 배터리는 일정한 기능을 얼마나 자주 많이 사용하는가에 따라 조금
씩 다르지만 2년 정도 지속됩니다.
배터리 교체 :
유효한 보증을 받기 위해서는 공인 Soleus 서비스 센터를 통해 배터리를 교체해
야 합니다.
서비스 센터는, 시계를 장기간 사용하실 수 있도록 하기 위해, 배터리 교체 외에도
시계의 움직임과 개스킷, 방수력, 부품상태 등을 점검해 드립니다.
시계 배터리는 어린이로부터 멀리하십시오. 삼킨 경우 즉시 의사에게 연락하십시오.
경고! 배터리에는 화학물질이 함유되어 있습니다 배터리는 해당 지역 규정에 따라
적절하게 처분해야 합니다.
방수력 : 50미터
주의 사항 : 수중에서 버튼을 누를 경우 물에 의한 손상이 발생할 수 있습니다.
작동 온도 :
섭씨 -5° 내지 50°
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 1 / 7 Edition : A
A . Features
13 digits LCD Screen displays the hour, minute, second, year (from year 2000 to year 2099), month,
date, day of the week.
12-hour / 24-hour format selectable. Auto-calendar.
Dual time.
1/100 second stopwatch (the display range of the stopwatch is 23 hours 59 minutes 59.99 seconds).
Four groups of alarm. Hourly time signal.
Countdown timer (the maximum display range of countdown time is 23 hours 59 minutes 59
Button tone and hourly time signal.( On / Off synchronized)
EL backlight. (can use “Start” button or any other buttons to illuminate the backlight).
B . Functions
1. In any mode, press A to illuminate EL backlight for 3 seconds.
Button C RESET
LMODE Button B
Time 1 Mode
Alarm Mode
Time 2 Mode
Button B
Button B
Stopwatch Mode
Countdown Time Mode
Press & Hold D
for 2 seconds
Button B
Button B
Press & Hold D
for 2 seconds
2012 -3-17 M odelBJF063 Page: 2 / 7 Edition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal an d button tone
synchronously, h ourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal ti mekeeping mod e, hold down C for 2 s econds to turn on / off th e function th at is the sing le button wit h
EL back light or any button with EL backlig ht. “AEL ” indicato r will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turn ed on, in this case, pressing any butto n can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequ ence as shown below:
Button B
Month-Date / Da te-Month
Hourly Time Sig nal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button wi th
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Sig nal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 M odelBJF063 P age: 2 / 7 Ed ition : A
2. In norm al timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
12H/24H Hour Minute Second
Month-Date / Date-Month
Month Date
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button w ith
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 3 / 7 Edition : A
Press D or C to select format between 12-hour and 24-hour format.
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Seconds reset to zero by pressing D or C button. At the same time, the time of Time 2 also resets
Press A button to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to normal timekeeping mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time 1 Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
4. Time 2 Setting
In Time 2 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Press D or C to select format between 12-hour and 24-hour.
Press D to decrease the value, hold down D for some time to decrease fast.
Press C button to increase the value, hold down C for some time to increase fast.
Seconds reset to zero by pressing D or C. At the same time, the time of Time 1 also resets zero.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to normal timekeeping mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time 2 Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
5. Stopwatch Mode
The display range of the stopwatch is from zero to 23 hours 59 minutes 59.99 seconds.
The stopwatch will restart counting from zero when it reaches its maximum limited (23 hours 59
minutes 59 seconds.)
Ten groups of LAP time can be recorded.
To measure times with the stopwatch
Month-Date / Date-Month
Month Date
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 4 / 7 Edition : A
When entering the stopwatch mode, press D to start / stop counting. Seconds reset to zero by holding
down C for 2 seconds.
Press C to enter LAP timing during stopwatch is running, the screen will display next Lap time after
it displays the previous LAP time for 8 seconds. When 10 groups of LAP time are recorded fully, the
screen will appear icon of “FULL” if you continue to press C button. The previous LAP time will be
covered by the last group of LAP time.
When LAP time is running, press D to stop counting, and press A to enter LAP Recall Mode. In LAP
Recall Mode, press D can view each group of LAP times. Press C to exit LAP Recall Mode, then return to
Stopwatch Mode.
In LAP Recall Mode or at the state of stopwatch is stopped, hold down C for 2 seconds to clear all
previous records.
When stopwatch is running,, press B to enter other modes, the stopwatch measurement operation
continuous even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
When stopwatch is stooped, the watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform
any button operation in 30 seconds.
6. Countdown Mode
Reset to zero
Start Stop
Reset reminder
Reset to zero
LAP timing
Full of LAP records
Reset reminder
LAP Recall Mode
To view LAP records Next LAP record
Button D
Button D
Button C
Button C
Button A
Button D
Button D
Press & Hold C
for 2 seconds
Press & Hold C
for 2 seconds
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 2 / 7 Edition : A
2. In normal timekeeping mode, press C for a short time to turn on / off the hourly time signal and button tone
synchronously, hourly time signal indicator
will appear on the screen when it is turned on.
In normal timekeeping mode, hold down C for 2 seconds to turn on / off the function that is the single button with
EL backlight or any button with EL backlight. “AEL” indicator will display on the screen when any button with
backlight is turned on, in this case, pressing any button can illuminate the EL backlight.
3. Time 1 Setting
In Time 1 Mode, “12-hour / 24-hour” starts to flash by holding down A for 2 seconds, which
indicates Time 1 setting screen, press B to select the items in sequence as shown below:
Button B
Month-Date / Date-Month
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned on
Any button with
EL backlight
Single button with
EL backlight
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button C
Button B
Button B
Button B
Hourly Time Signal and
Button Tone are turned off
D button for
2 seconds
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time Repeated Countdown Time
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Original value
Button D
Button D
Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
• A contagem regressiva estará em execução quando o ícone TMR” estiver intermitente
na tela. Quando o ícone TMR” não estiver mais intermitente, signica que a contagem
regressiva parou.
• Quando o cronômetro estiver em execução, pressione B para entrar em outros modos.
A opção de contagem de tempo do cronômetro é continua, mesmo ao sair do modo
• Com uma contagem regressiva (Modo STP): a contagem regressiva retorna ao valor
original após ter atingido o valor zero. Ao mesmo tempo, o alarme soará com a inscrição
“BB-BB” por 30 segundos e, então, automaticamente retornará para o modo de exibição das
horas. O acionamento de qualquer botão pode parar o alarme sonoro após este ter sido
iniciado. O relógio automaticamente retornará ao modo de exibição das horas caso não seja
realizada qualquer operação dentro de 30 segundos.
• Cronômetro repetido (Modo REP): o relógio repete automaticamente a contagem regressi-
va após a contagem regressiva ter sido concluída. O intervalo máximo da contagem regres-
siva com repetição automática é de 100 vezes. Caso o valor da contagem regressiva seja
denido entre 1 e 59 segundos, o alarme soará com a inscrição “BB” quando a contagem
regressiva repetida atingir zero. Caso a contagem regressiva repetida alcance o valor 100, o
alarme soará com a inscrição “BB-BB” por 30 segundos e, então, automaticamente retornará
para o modo normal de exibição das horas. Caso o valor da contagem regressiva seja
denido para mais de 1minuto, o alarme soará com a inscrição “BB-BB” por 10 segundos
quando a contagem regressiva atingir zero. O acionamento de qualquer botão pode parar
o alarme sonoro após este ter sido iniciado. O relógio automaticamente retornará ao modo
de exibição das horas caso não seja realizada qualquer operação dentro de 30 segundos.
• Contagem progressiva (Modo CD-UP): O relógio iniciará a contagem progressiva automati-
camente após o tempo de a contagem regressiva alcançar zero. Enquanto isso, o alarme
soará com a inscrição “BB-BB por 30 segundos e, então, automaticamente retornará para
o modo normal de exibição das horas. É possível pressionar qualquer botão parar o alarme
sonoro após este ter sido iniciado. O relógio retornará ao modo de exibição das horas
automaticamente caso não seja realizada qualquer operação dentro de 30 segundos.
7. Modo de alarme
• No modo de alarme, pressione o botão D para visualizar o horário do alarme dentre os 4
grupos. Em cada grupo do modo de alarme, pressione C para ligar / desligar o alarme. Isto
é mostrado abaixo:
Ajuste do alarme
• No modo do Alarme 1, mantenha pressionado o botão A por 2 segundos, a inscrição
“Hour” (Hora) cará intermitente, o que indica a tela de ajuste do alarme. Então, pressione o
botão B para selecionar o item na sequência, conforme mostrado abaixo.
• Pressione o botão D para aumentar o valor, mantenha o botão D pressionado para
aumento rápido.
• Pressione o botão C para reduzir o valor, mantenha o botão C pressionado para redução
• Pressione o botão A para conrmar e sair do modo de ajuste, então retornando ao modo
de alarme.
• No modo de ajuste, o relógio automaticamente sairá deste modo e retornará ao modo de
exibição das horas caso nenhuma operação seja realizada dentro de 30 segundos.
• No modo de alarme, o relógio automaticamente sairá deste modo e, então, retornará ao
modo normal de exibição das horas caso nenhuma operação seja realizada dentro de 30
• O método de ajuste para todos os grupos de alarme é similar.
• Quando o horário denido do alarme é alcançado, o alarme sonoro automaticamente será
interrompido após soar por 30 segundos.
Nota: O Alarme 1 até o 4 somente soará quando o horário atual do Fuso horário 1 ou 2 for
alcançado. Por exemplo, caso o tempo atual escolhido esteja no modo do Fuso horário
2 e caso não seja alterado o horário atual para o Fuso horário 2 antes de o alarme soar. O
alarme soará somente de acordo com o horário do modo do Fuso horário 2.
Caso o Fuso horário 1 seja escolhido: o alarme será desligado de acordo com o Fuso horário
denido no relógio.
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 7 / 7 Edition : A
In Alarm 1 Mode, hold down A for 2 seconds, “Hourstarts to flash, which indicates alarm setting
screen, then press B button to select item in sequence as shown below:
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to Alarm Mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
In Alarm Mode, the watch will automatically exit from Alarm Mode, then return to Time Mode if
you do not perform any button operation in 30 minutes.
The setting method of 4 groups of alarm are similar.
At the state of alarm is turn on, if the alarm time is reached, the alarm tone will automatically stop
after it sounds for 30 seconds.
Remark: 4 groups of alarm will only sound according to the current time of Time 1 or Time 2 is reached. For
example, if the current time you chosen is Time 2 Mode, and you not change the current time to Time 1
before the alarm tone sounds, in this case, the alarm tone will only sound according to the time of Time
2 Mode.
Hour Minute
Button B
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 6 / 7 Edition : A
which means countdown has been stooped running.
When stopwatch is running,, press B to enter other modes, the stopwatch measurement operation
continuous even if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
With One-time Countdown (STP Mode): the countdown time returns to original value after it reaches
to zero. At the same time, alarm tone sounds with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then automatically return
to Time Mode. Press any button can stop the alarm tone after it starts to sound. The watch will
automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
With Repeated Stopwatch (REP Mode): the watch repeats countdown automatically after counting
down is completed. The maximum range of Auto-Repeated Countdown is 100 times. If the
countdown value is set from 1 to 59 seconds, alarm tone will sound with BB when repeated
countdown reaches to zero every time. And if Repeated Countdown reaches to 100 times, the alarm
tone will sound with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then automatically return to Timekeeping Mode. If the
countdown value is set more than 1 minutes, alarm tone will sound with BB-BB for 10 seconds when
countdown time reaches to zero every time. Press any button can stop the alarm tone after it starts to
sound. The watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in
30 seconds.
With Counting Up (CD-UP Mode): The watch will count up automatically after countdown time
reaches to zero, in the meanwhile, alarm tone will sound with BB-BB for 30 seconds, then
automatically back to Time Mode. You can press any button to stop the alarm tone after it starts to
sound. The watch will automatically return Time Mode if you do not perform any button operation in
30 seconds.
7. Alarm Mode
In Alarm Mode, press D to view the alarm time among 4 groups. In each group of alarm mode, press C to
turn on / off alarm. As shown following:
Alarm Setting
Alarm Off
Button C
Button D
Button D
Button D
Alarm On
2012 -3-17 ModelBJF063 Page: 5 / 7 Edition : A
The display range of countdown time is from zero to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Three methods of countdown can be selected as shown following:
Countdown Time Setting
When countdown time is stopped, icon of “STP/ERP” or “CD-UP” starts to flash by pressing A for 2
seconds, which indicates countdown time setting screen, then press B to select items in sequence as
show below:
Press D or C can select any one method among three countdown time methods (STP) (ERP)
Press D to increase the value, hold down D for some time to increase fast.
Press C to decrease the value, hold down C for some time to decrease fast.
Press A to confirm, and exit from setting, then return to countdown time mode.
In setting mode, the watch will automatically exit setting and then return Time Mode if you do not
perform any button operation in 30 seconds.
To measure times with countdown timer
In countdown mode, press D to start / stop counting. When it stopped, press C to return to the
original value.
Countdown time is running when icon “TMR” flashes on the screen. While icon “TMR” stops flashing,
Counting up after countdown
reaches to zero
Start Stop Original value
Button D Button D Button D
Countdown time
Button B
Button B
Button B
Button B
One-time Countdown Time
Repeated Countdown Time
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