사용 설명서 Weber Openhaard 바베큐

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사용 설명서


83716 10/04
Owner’s Guide
Failure to follow the Dangers, Warnings and Cautions contained in this Owner’s Manual may result in
serious bodily injury or damage in property.
The Weber Fireplace is for outdoor use only.
Never use the Weber Fireplace indoors.
Only use the Weber Fireplace on a noncombustible surface, like brick, concrete or flagstone.
Do not use the Weber Fireplace on a wood deck or wood surface.
When using the Weber Fireplace, keep it 10 meters away from flammable materials, buildings and
When using the Weber Fireplace, exercise the same care that you would with an open campfire.
Do not allow children to use the Weber Fireplace.
Keep the Weber Fireplace a minimum of 20 meters away from flammable liquids such as gasoline,
charcoal lighter fluid and alcohol.
Keep children and pets away from the Weber Fireplace, when it is in use.
Never wear loose fitting or flammable clothing (such as nylon) when using the Weber Fireplace.
Do not overload the Weber Fireplace with wood. Before lighting the Weber Fireplace, make sure that
the lid will completely close the Weber Fireplace. The lid must completely fit the bottom of the Weber
Fireplace to extinguish the fire.
Do not use soft woods like pine or cedar. Soft woods can “pop” and throw sparks.
Do not burn leaves, paper, plywood or trash in the Weber Fireplace.
Do not use flammable liquids such as gasoline, charcoal lighter fluid or alcohol to light or re-light the
Weber Fireplace.
Only use solid lighter cubes to ignite the wood in the Weber Fireplace.
Only use sturdy, long-handled fireplace tools when adding or moving logs in the Weber Fireplace.
Do not attempt to move the Weber Fireplace, when it is being used.
Only use barbecue mitts or gloves when handling the Weber Fireplace lid or ring assembly, because the
surfaces and handles will be hot.
Before using the Weber Fireplace for the first time, fill the bottom with approximately 1 kg of sand. The
sand will help insulate the bottom of the Weber Fireplace.
Extinguish the fire by removing the ring assembly and placing the lid over the bottom. Never douse with
water, because this will break the porcelain finish.
Wood fires take a long time to extinguish. The Weber Fireplace and the ashes inside will remain hot for
some time. Leave the lid closed until the Weber Fireplace is completely cold.
Do not store the Weber Fireplace with combustible materials or ashes inside.
Käyttöohje • Mode d’emploi • Manuale dell’utente • Brukerveiledning • Brugervejledning • Guía del propietario
Användarhandbok • Bedienungsanleitung • Handboek van de eigenaar • Manual do Proprietário
Instrukcja użytkownikaРуководство пользователя
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브랜드 Weber
모델 Openhaard
범주 바베큐
파일 형식 PDF
파일 크기 1.34 MB

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바베큐의 추가 매뉴얼

Weber Openhaard 바베큐에 대해 자주 묻는 질문

저희 지원 팀은 자주 묻는 질문에 대한 유용한 제품 정보 및 답변을 찾고 있습니다. 자주 묻는 질문에 오류를 발견하신다면, 연락 양식에 따라 알려주시기 바랍니다.

숯과 연탄의 차이점은 무엇인가요? 확인 됨

연탄은 숯을 생산하고 남은 조각으로 만들어 다른 성질을 가지고 있습니다. 숯은 더 빨리 타며 더 높은 온도에 도달할 수 있습니다. 연탄은 더 오래 타며 온도를 더 일정하게 유지합니다.

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Weber 바베큐를 어떻게 청소합니까? 확인 됨

뚜껑과 주전자는 물과 비누로 청소할 수 있습니다. 화격자는 그릴 브러시로 청소할 수 있습니다. 창살이 아직 따뜻할 때이 작업을 수행하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.

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Weber 바베큐에 나무를 사용할 수 있습니까? 확인 됨

아니요, Weber는 이렇게하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 목재는 매우 높은 온도에 도달하여 바베큐를 변형시킬 수 있습니다.

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사용 설명서 Weber Openhaard 바베큐