사용 설명서 테팔 KI280G10 주전자

테팔 KI280G10 주전자 에 대한 매뉴얼이 필요하십니까? 아래에서 한국어로 된 PDF 매뉴얼을 무료로 보고 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 이 제품은 현재 5 개의 자주 묻는 질문(FAQ), 0 개의 댓글 및 0 개의 투표를 보유하고 있습니다. 원하시는 매뉴얼이 아닐 경우 당사로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

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사용 설명서


Children should be supervised
to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
Children should not clean
or perform maintenance
procedures on the appliance
unless they are supervised by a
responsible adult.
WARNING: Be careful to avoid
any spillage on the connector
during cleaning, filling or pouring.
Always follow the cleaning
instruction to clean your
Unplug the appliance.
Do not clean the appliance
while hot.
Clean with a damp cloth or
Never immerse the appliance
in water or put it under running
WARNING: Risks of injuries if
you don't use this appliance
Only use your kettle for boiling
drinking water.
WARNING: The heating
element surface is subjected to
residual heat after use.
Be sure to manipulate only the
handle during heating until
cooling down.
Your appliance is intended for
domestic use inside the home
only at an altitude below
CAUTION: Do not operate the
kettle on an inclined plane. Do
not operate the kettle unless
the element is fully immersed.
Do not move while the kettle is
switched on.
For your safety, this appliance meets applicable standards
and regulations (Directives on Low Voltage, Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Materials in contact with food articles,
Environment, etc.).
Only plug the appliance into an earthed mains outlet. Check
that the voltage indicated on the rating plate of the appliance
corresponds to that of your electrical installation.
Any connection error will invalidate your guarantee.
The guarantee does not cover kettles that fail to operate or
operate badly due to a failure to descale the appliance regularly.
Do not let the power cord hang where children may reach it.
Never disconnect the plug by pulling on the power cord.
Any intervention other than normal cleaning and maintenance
by the customer must be performed by an Approved Service
All appliances are subject to strict quality control procedures.
These include actual usage tests on randomly selected
appliances, which would explain any traces of use.
Never use scouring pads for cleaning purposes.
To remove the scale filter, remove the kettle from its base
and leave it to cool down. Do not remove the filter when the
appliance is filled with hot water.
Do not use any method to descale the kettle other than that
Keep the kettle and its power cord away from any source of heat,
from any wet or slippery surface and away from sharp edges.
Never use the appliance in a bathroom or close to a water
Never use the kettle when your hands or feet are wet.
Always unplug the power cord immediately if you observe any
anomaly during operation.
Never pull on the power cord to remove it from the wall socket.
Always remain vigilant when the appliance is on, and in
particular be careful of the steam coming out of the spout
which is very hot.
Never leave the power cord hanging from a table top or
kitchen counter to avoid any danger of it falling to the floor.
Never touch the filter or the lid when the water is boiling.
Also be careful as the body of stainless steel kettles becomes
very hot during operation. Only touch the handle of the kettle.
Never move the kettle when it is in operation.
Protect the appliance from damp and freezing conditions.
Always use the filter and the lid during heating cycles.
Never heat the kettle when it is empty.
Place the kettle and its power cord well to the back of the work
The guarantee covers manufacturing defects and domestic
use only. Any breakage or damage resulting from a failure to
comply with these instructions for use is not covered by the
1. Remove all of the various packaging, stickers or accessories
from both the inside and outside of the kettle.
2. Adjust the length of the cord by winding it under the base.
Wedge the cord into the notch. (g 1)
Throw away the water from the first two/three uses as it may
contain dust. Rinse the kettle and the filter separately.
WATER. (g 6)
Never fill the kettle when it is on its base.
Do not fill it above the maximum level, or below the minimum
level. If the kettle is too full, boiling water may spill out.
Do not use without water.
Check that the lid is closed properly before use.
Select the temperature according to your needs:
Position for boiling water or position for the ideal
temperature for drinking immediately. (g 7)
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(환경을 고려하여 꼭 필요한 경우에만 프린트 해주십시오)



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브랜드 Tefal
모델 KI280G10
범주 주전자
파일 형식 PDF
파일 크기 1.22 MB

테팔 주전자에 대한 모든 매뉴얼
주전자의 추가 매뉴얼

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이는 시간이 지나며 생길 수 있는 굵은 석회 자국을 거르기 위한 것입니다.

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많은 경우 주전자 뚜껑이 제대로 닫히지 않았습니다. 열이 빠져 나가면 주전자가 계속 끓습니다. 그래도 문제가 해결되지 않으면 제조업체 또는 정비사에게 문의해야합니다.

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아니요. 물을 최소량 이하로 끓이면 온도 센서가 오작동 할 수 있습니다. 이것은 주전자가 끓는점에서 꺼지는 것을 방지하여 위험한 상황을 초래할 수 있습니다.

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아니요. 수도꼭지에 따뜻한 물을 공급하려면 먼저 차가운 물을 빼내야하는데, 이는 낭비 될 것입니다. 또한 파이프는 사용되지 않는 동일한 양의 온수를 채우고 냉각되어 에너지 손실을 초래합니다. 따라서 주전자에 찬물을 채우는 것이 좋습니다.

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최대 물의 양보다 더 많이 끓일 수 있습니까? 확인 됨

아니요. 최대 물의 양보다 더 많이 끓이면 주전자가 넘칠 수 있습니다. 이로 인해 위험한 상황이 발생할 수 있습니다.

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사용 설명서 테팔 KI280G10 주전자

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