사용 설명서 테팔 FV9530M1 Ultimate Autoclean 다리미

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Steam ironing
1. Filling the water tank
- Unplug your iron before filling it.
- Set the steam control to DRY
- fig. 1.1
Take the iron in one hand and tilt it slightly, so that you can see the water tank filling hole
fig. 3.
- To open the water tank, press the button
- fig. 2.
- Fill the water tank
- fig. 3
up to the mark “MAX”. The mark MAX corresponds to a capacity
of 350 cc.
- Close the water tank cover until you hear a click
- fig. 4.
- You can now plug in your iron.
2. Choose your ironing programme
- Your iron has the Autosteam Control function, which recommends 8 different ironing
Set the Autosteam Control Thermostat to match the type of textile you wish to iron. Your
iron automatically and accurately determines the exact temperature and steam flow that
are suitable, in order to guarantee the best results.
To select the appropriate ironing programme, activate the thermostat located under the
- fig. 5.
- Rotation left : selects the programs requiring low temperature and steam levels.
- Rotation right : selects the programs requiring high temperature and steam levels.
- The program selected appears automatically on the indicator panel at the front of the
- fig. 6.
- Set the steam control to STEAM
- fig. 1.2.
- When your iron reaches the required temperature, the thermostat indicator goes out
fig. 7.
You can start ironing.
3. Spray Function
- While ironing, press a few times in succession on the Spray button to dampen the fabric
fig. 8
and iron out awkward creases.
4. For more steam (shot of steam button)
- Press the Shot of Steam button from time to time
- fig. 9.
- Wait a few seconds between each shot before pressing the button again.
5. Vertical steam ironing
- Ideal for removing creases from suits, jackets, skirts, hanging curtains etc
- Hang the garment on a hanger and hold the fabric slightly taut with one hand. The
steam is very hot, so you should always do this with the garment on a hanger – never
while someone is wearing it.
- Set your thermostat to MAX
- fig. 10.
- Press the Shot of Steam button ( ) repeatedly
- fig. 9
moving the iron from top to
- fig. 11.
- Hold the iron a few centimetres from the fabric to avoid burning delicate fabrics.
6. Anti-Calc Plus System
- You iron is equipped with an integral anti-scale system
- fig. 12.
- This system will help to provide :
a better ironing quality with a constant flow of steam,
a longer life for your iron.
7. Anti-drip function
- Autosteam Control, i.e. the automatic selection of the ironing programme depending on
the fabrics elected, makes it possible to reduce steam flow at low temperatures and
prevents your iron from dripping water onto your linen.
Fabrics and ironing
Your iron heats up
quickly: so begin by
ironing fabrics that are
ironed at low
temperatures first, then
go on to those requiring
a higher temperature,
if you change to a
program requiring lower
temperatures, wait for
the thermostat light to
come on again before
continuing to iron.
when ironing fabrics
with mixed fibres, set
the ironing temperature
for the most delicate
fibre. For delicate fabrics
we recommend testing
the fabric first on an
inconspicious place eg
(inside them).
For best results we
recommend you use a
vented ironing board to
allow the powerful
steam to penetrate
through the fabric more
Ensure that the fabric
you are ironing is flat to
avoid steam venting
sideways whilst ironing.
1800123421 FV95XX FTH L0-M0-K0_110x154 10/06/11 12:09 Page2
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스팀 다리미의 가장 큰 장점은 스팀을 사용하여 주름을 쉽게 제거 할 수 있다는 것입니다. 반대로 일반 다리미는 훨씬 가볍고 종종 저렴합니다.

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