사용 설명서 Oris Aquis Source of Life 시계

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사용 설명서


Fig. 1
Remove watch from wrist and
place on a soft surface with its
buckle open.
Hold the buckle end of the strap
and pull the watch end of strap
upwards (Fig. 1).
Shorten the strap by pulling the
loose end, or tighten it by pulling
the watch end.
Press the clamp until a ‘click’ is
The folding clasp cannot be
closed if the clamp is not
properly engaged.
Watches with rubber straps.
All Oris rubber straps are equipped
with folding clasps.
Straps which need to be cut to
Consult an approved retailer to
have the strap adjusted to suit
your wrist size.
If the strap buckle has fine ad-
justment, you can adjust the
length yourself to a certain degree
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
On rubber straps with fold-out
extension for diving suits, fine
adjustment is not possible.
Wear protective goggles to prevent
injury from the tool.
Open the folding clasp and place
the watch and strap (crown facing
upwards) on a piece of cardboard.
Using a wooden toothpick, insert
the fine adjustment metal pin into
the strap buckle (Fig. 1).
Carefully unfasten the strap and
remove it.
Place the lower part of the pin in
the new position then press the
strap outer obliquely against the
new, upper pin position (Fig. 2).
Press the pin down carefully using
a nail file or screwdriver (Fig. 3)
and slide it under the buckle
opening until the pin clicks in.
Check that the strap again holds
(see ‘Fine adjustment of folding
Straps with folding clasp and
one-sided holes in the strap:
Remove watch from wrist.
Adjust strap to your wrist size
using the holes.
Once the strap is adjusted, press
the buckle firmly into the correct
hole to prevent the strap from
On rubber straps with fold-out
extension for diving suits, fine
adjustment is not possible.
Watches with metal bracelets.
Metal bracelets must be adjusted
to suit your wrist by an approved
retailer. This involves removing or
adding link elements.
If the bracelet buckle has fine
adjustment, you can adjust the
length yourself to a certain degree
(see ‘Fine adjustment of folding
Fine adjustment of
folding clasps.
Provided that the buckle on the
metal bracelet or rubber strap has
a fine adjustment feature, the
length can be adjusted to a limited
extent as follows:
Instructions about the kinds of
leather, rubber, metals used, etc.
can found in the ‘Technical
Information and Summary Tables’
Watches with leather straps.
Fasten the buckle around the wrist
over a table, ensuring that the
watch cannot fall to the ground if
the process goes wrong.
Straps with a folding clasp are
easier to work with and offer
greater security against theft.
Also, if the process goes wrong
the watch will not drop to the
floor because it will be held
by the folding clasp.
Remove watch from wrist.
Adjust the strap to your wrist
size using the preformed holes.
Once the strap is adjusted,
press the buckle firmly into the
correct hole to prevent the strap
from detaching.
Some older folding clasps are
hard to adjust. Do not hesitate to
contact your approved retailer
if you have any questions.
Straps with continuously adjustable
folding clasp: this is a new folding
clasp design, developed and
patented by Oris and based on the
principle of seat belts in aircraft.
The strap length can be adjusted
to any desired length:
Adjusting Oris watches to fit the wrist.
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사용 설명서 Oris Aquis Source of Life 시계

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