사용 설명서 Nitecore UM4 배터리 충전기

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사용 설명서


-2- -3-
(English) UM4 User Manual
Operating Instructions
Connect to power source: connect the UM4 to an external power source (a USB adapter, a computer or other USB
charging devices) via the USB charging cable.
Insert batteries: The UM4 features 4 independently controlled charging slots. Insert batteries of supported types
into each slot according to the polarity marks on the slot. After battery installation, the UM4 begins charging and
presents Battery Health by “Good” or “Poor”, Internal Resistance, Charging Current, Battery Voltage, Charged Volume
and Charging Time on the LCD screen.
Battery Inspection and Error Report: The UM4 has reverse polarity protection and anti-short circuit function. If
there are batteries inserted with polar reversed or short-circuited, the LCD screen of relevant slot will indicate “EE EE”
and the power level display will ash to notify the user of an error.
Smart charging: The UM4 can choose appropriate charging currents based on intelligent detection about battery
types and capacities. Manual charging current selection is also available. The UM4 is compatible with:
1) 3.6V/3.7V Li-ion rechargeable batteries
2) 3.8V Li-ion rechargeable batteries (4.35V±1% when fully charged)
3) 1.2V Ni-MH/Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries
4) 3.2V LiFePO4 batteries
Default Settings
The default settings (not manually congured) for the UM4 are:
Battery Type and Capacity
Standard Mode QC Mode
Selectable Range
of Charging
Selectable Range
of Charging
Li-ion batteries
(4.2V±1% when fully charged)
>1,200 mAh 1,000mA 300mA-1,500mA 1,000mA 300mA-1,500mA
<1,200 mAh 500mA 300mA-1,500mA 500mA 300mA-1,500mA
Ni-MH/Ni-Cd batteries
(1.48V±1% when fully charged)
AA/AAA 500mA 300mA-1,500mA 500mA 300mA-1,500mA
C/D 1,000mA 300mA-1,500mA 1,000mA 300mA-1,500mA
Note: The UM4 can automatically select charging modes for Ni-MH/Ni-Cd batteries and 3.7V Li-ion batteries. LiFePO4
batteries and 3.8V Li-ion batteries require manual settings on charging cut-o voltages. For the battery whose length
is >60mm (2.4”), the UM4 automatically identies its capacity as >1,200mAh.
Button Operations
During the charging process:
Short press the C button to cycle through the charging status of the 4 slots.
Short press the V button to cycle through Battery Health, Internal Resistance, Charging Current, Battery Voltage,
Charged Volume and Charging time on the LCD screen.
Long press the C button to enter the Charging Setting Mode.
Long press the V button to enter Restoration Mode. (Only eective to over-discharged IMR batteries)
After entering the Charging Setting Mode:
Short press the C button to switch to dierent setting parameters (Charging Current and Cut-O Voltage).
Short press the V button to increase with a 100mA increment each time when setting the Charging Current; or to
switch to dierent battery types and voltage readings when setting the Cut-O Voltage.
Long press the V button to directly access the maximum setting when setting the Charging Current.
Long press the C button to save and exit the Charging Setting Mode.
Note: Perform no action in 10 seconds to exit the Charging Setting Mode without saving and return to the previous
Charging Voltage Settings
The UM4 is compatible with 3.6V/3.7V Li-ion and Ni-MH/Ni-Cd batteries with automatic detection and adoption of the
suitable charging voltage. For LiFePO4 batteries and 3.8V Li-ion batteries, please follow the steps below for charging
voltage settings:
1. After the battery is inserted and the charging process begins, short press the C button to select the correct slot
and long press the C button to enter Charging Setting Mode.
2. After entering Charging Setting Mode, short press the C button. When the screen shows the ashing text “CHG.
MODE”, short press the V button to select the correct charging voltage (3.7V/4.2V/4.3V).
3. For LiFePO4 batteries, the voltage needs to be set to 3.7V. For 3.8V Li-ion batteries, the voltage needs to be set to
4. When the setting is nalized, long press the C button to save and exit the Charging Setting Mode.
Charging Current Settings
Please follow the steps below for charging current settings:
1. After the battery is inserted and the charging process begins, short press the C button to select the correct slot
and long press the C button to enter Charging Setting Mode.
2. After entering Charging Setting Mode, the screen will show the ashing text “CHG. STATUS”. Short press the V
button to increase the charging current with a 100mA increment each time. Long press the V button to directly
access the maximum setting.
3. When the setting is nalized, long press the C button to save and exit the Charging Setting Mode.
Note: When the input power is insucient and a large charging current is set, the charger will automatically adopt
the intelligent current distribution according to the input power.
QC Charging Mode
The UM4 is QC 2.0 input available. When the charger is powered by a QC supportive device or connected to a QC
adapter, the screen will show “Quick Charge” and the single slot max output will achieve 1,500mA.
Automatic Battery Internal Resistance Detection
When the UM4 is on and the battery is installed, it will automatically detect and display the Internal Resistance below
the “CHG. STATUS”. When the Internal Resistance is below 250mΩ, it will show “Good” on the screen. When it is
above 250mΩ, it will show “Poor” on the screen to indicate that the battery should be replaced.
Charged Volume Calculation
During the charging process, the system will automatically calculate and display the Charged Volume below the “CHG.
Anti-short Circuiting and Reverse Polarity Protection
If there are batteries inserted with polar reversed or short-circuited, the screen will ash to show “EE EE”.
Energy Saving Function
If there is no action to the buttons or batteries in 3 minutes, the screen will automatically go dim to save energy.
Perform any action to light up the screen.
Over-Discharged Li-ion Battery Activation
The UM4 is capable of activating over-discharged Li-ion batteries with a protective circuit. After battery installation,
UM4 will test and activate the battery before charging. When a battery is detected as damaged, the screen will show “EE
Over-Discharged IMR Battery Restoration
When an over-discharged IMR battery is inserted, the screen will show “EE EE”. In this case, long press the V button
to enter Restoration Mode. After that, the charging process will continue. The battery should be replaced if it fails to
be restored after several attempts.
NOTE: When attempting to restore an IMR battery, reverse polarity protection is temporarily disabled. Please ensure
batteries are correctly inserted. Failing to do so may result in re or explosion.
Overtime Charging Protection
The UM4 will separately calculate the charging time of each battery. When the charging time exceeds 20 hours in one
slot, it will automatically cease the charging process of this slot and display “END” below the “CHG. STATUS”. This is
to prevent possible overheat or even explosion due to battery quality issue.
1. The charger is restricted to charging Li-ion, IMR, LiFePO4, Ni-MH/Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries only. DO NOT use
the charger with other types of batteries as this could result in battery explosion, cracking or leaking, causing
property damage and/or personal injury.
2. Moderate heat from this product is to be expected during the charging process, which is normal.
3. Ambient Temperature of Usage: -10~40℃ (14~104℉); Temperature of Storage: -20~60℃ (-4~140℉)
4. Carefully read all labels on the device to ensure batteries are installed correctly.
5. Please connect this charger to power supplies with the input voltage stated in the specications of the user
manual. If the input voltage is too low or too high, it may lead to malfunctions, or even a re.
6. DO NOT charge batteries if there is any sign of faulty or short circuit.
7. The charger is designed for adults. Use of the charger by kids under age must be under supervision. Operation,
using or cleaning of the charger may NOT be done by kids aged 8 years or younger.
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브랜드 Nitecore
모델 UM4
범주 배터리 충전기
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사용 설명서 Nitecore UM4 배터리 충전기

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